Monday, September 12, 2005

slippery slope

so i notice, now, that i haven't written a thing for over a week. i suck. i guess this is how it all starts to shake down in the real world, how time just vanishes and you're left wondering where it all went...

things i did this week:
- found out i have family in argentina
- visited with my cousin & some old, old friends who live in londontown
- hung out with a cute boy
- hung out with another cute boy
- worked way too hard, for way too many hours
- read some stuff about hockey (not the least of which were the backside of four håkan loob hockey cards, including the rookie, that were given to me by a guy at work)
- binge-drank. like, more than once
- saw a band
- paid waaaay too much for a salad with dressing that should have been called "salt-sauce"
- got nostalgic over 'could-have-been' boys of old
- watched a kick-ass german flick called "goodbye lenin"

and point form is all i have time left for.


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