Saturday, June 30, 2007

what i realized this morning while lazing in bed:

1. top 5 jobs where you'll see people cry:
- psychiatrist/psychologist
- hospital staff
- airport security
- parking cop
- fedex depot door locker

2. what i miss most about calgary RIGHT NOW is being woken up by the "PSHHHHHHHH" of a hot air balloon.

3. i probably should've gone to NYC this weekend.


Blogger sherri-tae said...

I miss calgary too......i saw a planters peanut balloon the other day while i was working at the you must allow me to get something off my chest, because reading your blog, set me off a bit.....when i was a child, my parent got groceries on thursday.....almost without a fail, we would go for dinner than get groceries. .....on the occassion that this did not occur, it was to be done on saturday......this was a day when there were samples galore and mascots.....all sorts of different characters with people in for less on 36th street before it was a safeway....(where are those in toronto?)..irregardless.....there was a planters peanut there......i have tried to erase this from my mind for approx. 19 years now......this nut was doing what the others did.....hand out free samples.....i happily recieved my free nuts and went in for a this time, i looked down and noticed that this oversized peanut that i assumed was male, was wearing black nylons, and black shiney high heels. i was mortified and terrified at the same this day,as ridiculous as it seems, i cannot purchase planters peanuts......i know i should get over it and move on but i can't....when i saw that balloon the other day, i coiled back in terror, while everyone marveled at the sight......i hope i am not scared of hot air balloons now.....i want to go in one....thats all...thanks......go flames go.......whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......this is the year baby

11:46 PM  

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